The Weekly Howl

Have you ever wondered what exactly goes on in ASWOU? Well, here is your chance to find out! This blog is dedicated to the weekly goings on of ASWOU - including all the funny, random, and slightly strange things that happen! Additionally, if there is ANYTHING at all that you have wondered about your student government, don't be afraid to ask! It will be answered! Enjoy The Weekly Howl!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 21, 2011

Jonathan Farmer - ASWOU Director of Business and Finance getting his game face on.

    We all know that the end of the year is quickly approaching.  Yeah, its week 4. But before you know it it will be week 10 and the school year will be over. Yes, its finally Spring; the flowers are blooming, the birds are out, the world is coming back to life. We all want to be outside enjoying the day, not inside studying. But now is the time that being inside, working on that homework, is most important.  Whether this is the end of your college career, or the end of your first year, we all need to finish out strong.
    As Jonathan said earlier today, its time to get your game face on.  Time to buckle down, work hard, and end this year on a high note.  It'll be over before we know it...

   * Reminder: Monday the 25th is Lobby Day at the capitol! Tell our legislators how you feel about     what is happening in Oregon. Transportation is provided, contact Cristal Sandoval as for more information!

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