The Weekly Howl

Have you ever wondered what exactly goes on in ASWOU? Well, here is your chance to find out! This blog is dedicated to the weekly goings on of ASWOU - including all the funny, random, and slightly strange things that happen! Additionally, if there is ANYTHING at all that you have wondered about your student government, don't be afraid to ask! It will be answered! Enjoy The Weekly Howl!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2011-2012 ASWOU Executive cabinet

2001-2012 ASWOU Executive Cabinet has been selected! There was an amazing pool of highly qualified candidates, and while we could not select everyone there are many Intern and Committee positions available to any interested! Contact Jonathan Farmer at with any questions!

Hannah Arriola
Director of State and Federal Affairs

Natalee Dagan
Director of the Book Exchange

Tayleranne Gillespie
Director of Public Relations

Hillevi Johnson
Gender and Sexual Diversities Advocate

Maija Kellner-Rode
Director of Sustainability

Anthony Medina
Director of Student Organizations

Jawan Mullen
Director of Records and Archives

Shanen Robles
Director of Business and Finance

Gaudi Salazar
Director of Marketing Services

Jessica Travenia
Multicultural Student Advocate

Monday, May 23, 2011

Committees Galore!

Every year there are countless committees here at WOU.  These committees work on all sorts of things, and are usually made up of a mix of students, faculty and staff.  Next years ASWOU President, Jonathan Farmer will be appointing students to these committees in the next few months. Here is a list of committees! (The number in parenthesis is how many students are appointed to the committee by ASWOU)

  • Academic Requirements Committee (2)
  • Commencement Committee (2)
  • Curriculum Committee (2)
  • Graduate Study Committee (2)
  • Health Service Advisory Committee (3)
  • Incidental Fee Committee (3)
  • International Education and Services Committee (3)
  • Student Conduct Committee (5)
  • Student Grievance and Concerns Committee (1)
  • Teacher of the Year Committee (2)
  • Parking Committee (1)
  • Who's Who and Outstanding Graduating Students Selection Committee (2)
  • Student Technology Fund Committee (2)
  • WUC Advisory Board (2)
If you are at all interested in any of these positions, e-mail Jonathan Farmer at or stop by the ASWOU office!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

Only 23 days until graduation?! What? In case you hadn't realized this yet, the end of the year is quickly approaching for all of us. For seniors, its almost time to graduate, for everyone else...on year down, ___ more to go!

Even though the year is coming to an end, there is SO much happening on campus!

Here are a few events...If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

Holi -May 18
Jousting for Karlee's Angels - May 18
Inauguration - May 19 
Burrito Track Night - May 19
SAB Stargazing - May 19
Nuestra Fiesta Latina - May 20
Wild Wild Western - May 20
Diversity Dinner - May 23
Academic Excellence Showcase - May 26
Drag Show - May 26
4th Annual Hot Dog eating contest - May 31
WOUMania - June 3

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011

Yesterday was a day full of change for Western Oregon University.  In a well attended unveiling ceremony including the musical talents of Westerns Pep Band, performances by both the Cheer Squad and the Dance Team, our new marks were shown off for all to see.  For the first time WOU has both an athletic logo, and an academic mark.  Shortly after the ceremony the book store opened its doors and started selling brand new merchandise featuring the new logos.

It is exciting to see positive change on our campus, and these new marks are only the beginning.  Fall will mark the completion of the Werner University Center re-model, creating new space for students to use and enjoy.  Student enrollment continues to climb, which means more change for our campus.  We at ASWOU cannot wait to see where all this change will take us! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011

   Today is the day many people have been wondering and speculating about for weeks. What exactly is 5-3-2011?  Good news! The mystery will be solved today, at 1pm in the WUC Plaza.  Make sure you come out to see what exactly all this excitement and mystery has been about!

   Throughout the past few weeks there have been numerous rumors flying, here is a list of some of the more outrageous ones!

  1. "On May 3rd, WOU will change its name from Western Oregon University to the University of  Western Oregon" 
  2. "On May 3rd, WOU will change its mascot from a Husky to a Wolf" (The mascot is already a Wolf, just to remind you all)
  3. "On May 3rd, Western Oregon University will close its doors."
  4. "Starting May 3rd, WOU will no longer have an Education Program"
  5. "On May 3rd Western will switch to a non-traditional grading policy"

This is a small list, but these were some of the funnier rumors. Feel free to add any you heard!

We hope to see you all at the event at 1 pm today!

**********And, as a reminder, don't forget to VOTE through your WOU Portal!***********


Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

Today is the day! Well, for voting that is.  Starting TODAY, May 2 at 10 am voting will officially open.  There are quite a few candidates running, and in case you don't know who they are, here is the run down.


ASWOU President:  Jonathan Farmer

ASWOU Vice President:  Hannah Arriola, Tayleranne Gillespie and Emmanual Macias

Senate President: Jessica Landreth and David Cervantes

Judicial Administrator: Erin Walmer

Student Activities Board Director:  Jessica Love, Tara Ostrander and Nawwal Moustafa

Additionally, there are numerous people running for positions in Senate and on IFC.

Voting closes May 6 at 3pm, so make sure you cast your vote!